The Raccoon Brothers were Mike and Ike, two lonely raccoons that Fenris had felt sorry for, not to mention the fact they were starving when he and Sinja had caught them trying to steal their stuff.
"That’s why I want them with you Sinja. They are wiley and cunning and will make great scouts for you. If they get into trouble, you bail them out and kick ass."

"Can I eat what I kill?" Sinja said with a toothy grin. 

"Yes. Out there, in the wild, you can eat what you kill, but be sure to take care of Mike and Ike as well." Kayla cautioned. "They are your responsibility."

Sinja sighed in annoyance. "Damn. I was going to eat them first."

Kayla couldn’t help but chuckle. "No. Don’t eat them, I am sure they will come in handy out there."

"Fine." Was all that Sinja said. Her stomach growled in protest and her head came up pleadingly to her Alpha. "Where is this food?"

Kayla stood up and nodded. "I’ll send them to get it now. Just rest, get well again and we’ll talk once you are back on your feet."

"Fine.. Just fucking get out and get me some food……My Alpha." Sinja snarled but did a respectful bow to Kayla.

Kayla left and called for Stanley and Caleb to bring Sinja some food. They were astounded at their new Alpha’s benevolence, but bade as she had tasked them.

Chapter Four

Sinja grumbled about the task of going outside the relative safety of the city to find a new den for the clan. Mike and Ike were the most difficult part, always disappearing on Sinja and not letting her know where they were. 

Kayla had made them her responsibility, so Sinja felt she was entitled to respect. The only way she could keep those two raccoons in line was to literally tie a bell around their necks and keep within earshot of them.

It made being inconspicuous more difficult for the large wolf, but because of her size and very strong and sharp teeth, no one would really mess with her. There was a bear that approached her, thinking he could dominate Sinja through his ferocity, but little did he know that the female wolf had fought many bears as the former leader of the Wolf Clan.

Within a few short moments, the bear learned the hard way, not to mess with a female wolf. As its pulse diminished beneath Sinja’s vice-like jaws, clamped around it’s throat, realization of its folly shown in the bear’s faltering eyesight.

Because Kayla had put Sinja on double rations, the female wolf had regained her strength and weight leaving the bear with very little chance at defeating the big wolf female.

Mike and Ike were nowhere to be found during the short but violent battle between Sinja and the bear, but they showed up after to claim some of the rewards. Sinja, however, made sure to assert her dominance by making them wait until after she’d eaten her fill.

They had only travelled a mere thirty miles outside the city when they had come across the bear. From what little Sinja knew of the outlying areas, she and the Raccoon brothers would have to travel at least another sixty or more miles to even begin to look for a suitable place for the Clan’s new den.

Mike and Ike’s constant delays were getting on Sinja’s nerves, so she decided to suck up her pride and invoke Kayla’s name to solidify her position.

Once she had Mike and Ike’s attention, she growled loudly at them while they were eating. "you two fucking idiots are pushing the limit of what our ‘new’ Alpha has instructed me to perform."

"Ya not our boss no more, bitch… Ya don’ tell us what ta do." Said Mike, with Ike nodding in excited agreement next to him.

"Is that so?" Crooned Sinja, standing on all fours her muzzle down and her teeth bared in a grimace. "Kayla said you two fucking assholes are MY responsibility, so that means YOU better start fucking listening to me."

"She did not… Kayla nice, she beat you up, now she is boss, not you." Chittered Mike.

Sinja smiled her toothy grin at him. "You want to tell her that? Because if you fuck this up, by not listening to me, I will rip both of your fucking pathetic hearts out and serve them as an appetizer to Kayla."

"She beat you again if you do that." Ike snorted. Though the brothers could speak, they were horrible at the general inflections of language.

"If you don’t start listening to me, Kayla said I could kill you." She lied, but knew that finding a new den was first and foremost on the new Alpha’s mind, and if the Raccoon Brothers botched it up, they would get Kayla’s wrath, not her. But for some strange reason, Sinja wanted it to be a success. She wanted the change to work now, whereas before, when she was always hungry, she only thought about the next meal.

"I swear, I will follow our ‘new’ Alpha’s orders and kill you, have no doubt about that." Sinja gave both of them a menacing smile and low growl to accentuate her point.

Mike completely froze with his mouth half open, meanwhile Ike, on the other hand, looked back and forth between Sinja and his brother until he realized that the female wolf was totally serious about carrying out the task.

"O-okay." Stammered Mike. "I listen to you, but Kayla new boss, not you."

Sinja nodded. "Kayla is boss of the Clan, ass-wipe. But for now, I am the boss of you two, so listen up."

Sinja laid out the plan, that they were not far enough away from the city and because of their recent encounter with the bear, which was caused when the two brothers had ‘inadvertently’, stole some of its food. Now they had to tread a lot more carefully because of the loud ruckus that was made with the fight.

They had a long way to go and Sinja wanted the brothers to scout quietly ahead and not engage in any frivolous encounters by themselves. If they found anything, they had to inform her first before doing anything else stupid.

Though she was tough, Sinja didn’t like fighting bears. One lucky swipe from a bear’s razor sharp claws could end everything. So she made sure that the Raccoon Brothers understood that without her, they wouldn’t last long out here.

Reluctantly, the two of them agreed to follow Sinja’s commands. With that issue taken care of, she let them finish their meal of bear meat and settled down to sleep. The next day they really needed to make up some distance.

In the morning, Mike and Ike were thankfully still asleep when Sinja woke up. She roused the two brothers viciously.

"Get up you retards, we’ve got a long way to go." Then she headed out toward the north. They didn’t bother hiding the remains of the bear, leaving the discarded carcass out for whom or whatever found it later.

Happily, Sinja’s discussion must have made an impression with the two brothers, because they stayed close by for the rest of their trek northward, keeping in sight as they made their way from tree to tree. The two Raccoons stayed quiet and kept moving without making a sound. When they spotted a mountain lion, they waited near Sinja until the animal had passed.

After two more days, they came across a broad mountain stream, clean fresh water flowed rapidly down from the steppes of the mountains and large pines were prevalent throughout the area and along the banks of the rushing water.

Together, the three of them travelled up the stream and found a group of caves in the side of a cliff that a waterfall had made as it deposited its water down into the stream. Sinja sent the Raccoons into each of the caves to make sure they were unoccupied.

Other than a few normal bats, there were no other creatures resident in any of the caves. 

"This is it." Sinja said with a contented sigh. "This is our new home."

"What about food? There is no food here." Cried Ike. "Where we get food?"

Sinja looked around and saw potential where before she had not even thought. "Well. Kayla said we could live off the land, and I believe her. There are fish-a-plenty in the stream, fresh water and I am sure there are other animals in the area, deer or other, that we can catch for food as well."

"Catch food?" Mike said complaining. "How we catch food?"

Sinja didn’t know either, really. She was a fighter, not a gatherer or hunter. The bear she killed was just the rewards of battle. But Kayla said she would teach them…. So that’s what she told Mike and Ike. "Kayla lived in the wilderness, she will know how to do these things and she will teach me, then I will teach you." She said in simple terms so the stupid Raccoon Brothers could understand her.

They seemed to get the jist of it and nodded emphatically in agreement. "Kayla human, she smart, she teach us."

Sinja just groaned in response. "You two secure this area by making traps, make sure nothing tries to claim our new home."

"Where you going?" Asked Mike.

"Dumbass, I have to go back to the city and tell our ‘new’ Alpha and then come back with the rest of the Clan." Sinja spat in annoyance. "You’ll be fine for a while, just don’t fuck this up and do something stupid while I am gone."

"What we do why you gone?" Whined Ike.

"Stay here, don’t let anyone or anything else claim our Clan’s new home and stay the fuck out of trouble." She snarled. "It’s that fucking simple you dimwitted cocksucker."

"You mean. We never like you as Alpha." Mike replied.

Sinja whirled on him, pinning him down with both her paws. "Listen fuckwad. I don’t give a shit about you or anyone else, got it? Kayla gave me a job and despite what happened, I’m gonna do it, and if you shit-heads fuck it up, I get to kill you."

Mike pissed himself with Sinja’s snapping jaws just inches from his face. "Don’t eat me!!!" he cried.

Exasperated, Sinja got off the hapless Raccoon but gave him a snap of warning. "DON’T FUCK UP!!! And I won’t eat you." She said vehemently, "Now get out of sight, stay here and don’t let anything in. Got it jack-wagon?"

The two brothers scrambled and did as Sinja had told him. Once they were out of sight, she sighed in grumbled as she made her way back down to the stream and toward the city again. "Why’d she make me take those two??? Probably because she didn’t want to deal with their fucking antics….." She grumbled to herself.

Without Mike and Ike to worry about, Sinja made it back to the City and the rest of the Clan in less than two days. It was nightfall when she got back, but everyone was already asleep, except for Fenris and his new Alpha bitch.

As Sinja walked past their den, she could hear the big male wolf fucking the human bitch. "I fucked that up myself." She thought to herself. "Damn, he sounds like he’s having a good time with her."

Curiosity got the best of Sinja and she peeked behind the drapes to get a better look. 

Kayla was on her hand and knees, moaning and writhing beneath Fenris who was madly pounding his cock into the human female.

"Arrooooo" he howled. "Can you feel my cum, mate?" He said gasping.

Kayla cried out. "Yes! Oh yes, Fen! Fill me. Fill me again!" And Sinja watched in complete astonishment as Fenris knotted Kayla and filled the human bitch with every drop of his sperm.

"Is it even possible for him to mate with her?" She thought to herself. "Can she give him the pups he always wanted from me?"

All night long, until Sinja finally collapsed in her own den, she heard Fenris and Kayla fucking each other’s brains out. She was aroused by then, but had no outlet, so she curled her body and licked herself until she Orgasmed. Though it felt good to get the release, she wasn’t as sated as she had been when Fenris had fucked her.

"I was a fool to treat him so badly….. This is my fault, I should have been a better Alpha…. Kayla is better at it than I am." She said softly to herself. "All these years….and nothing, and within a few weeks, she has us moving to a new and better place. I am a fool."

Depression led way to a fitful sleep, in the morning, things would change and the Clan would leave for a better way of life.

Chapter Five

Kayla had noticed that Sinja had peeked in on her and Fenris having sex, so she knew the female wolf was back from scouting out a new Den for the Clan. She was anxious to hear what Sinja had to say, but Fenris was fucking her so damn good, she adopted to wait until the morning before listening to the female wolf’s report. Besides, Sinja looked tired and probably needed to rest.

Fenris was definitely in a pleasuring mood. He just wanted to fuck Kayla again and again and again, which she happily let him. The luxurious feeling of his long hard cock, pistoning in and out of her tight pussy was only trumped by the feeling when he finished fucking her and began pumping enormous amounts of his cum deep into her.

Kayla never felt so blissfully satisfied before. After Fenris’s first time with her, he wanted more and more of her sexy body. Every time he finished coming and eventually pulled out of her, Kayla would continue to have mini-orgasms as his thick semen dripped out of her throbbing pussy and down the insides of her thighs. 

Sometimes, when she sucked on the head of his cock, he would accidentally spray her chest with his seed, but quickly flipped her over so he could shoot the remainder deep into her womb. He was hell bent on getting the two of their bodies to adapt to each other so he could make her pregnant with his pups.

All she had originally wanted was to be accepted by the Wolf clan as a member, other than the ‘little bald monkey’. Now she was their leader and through some mystical bond, she felt the power of being the Alpha.

Fenris, being a wolf, didn’t seem to care, as long as he had something to fuck. Being fucked by a wolf wasn’t that bad, it was pretty amazing to Kayla that he even felt any arousal for someone of another species.

The fact that he wanted her to have his babies also didn’t bother Kayla. It seemed normal to her.

But before she could even consider having Fenris’s offspring, she needed to make sure the Clan was in a better place and that there was plenty of food and security to raise a family.

Though Fenris was completely enjoying fucking Kayla, it wasn’t the only thing he wanted to do. He also listened to Kayla’s plans for the Clan and gave her very valuable information about who she could count on to get things done. 

There would be no laziness tolerated by Kayla. Everyone had to contribute and participate in making the Clan strong. Fenris gave her the information she needed to identify those members that would be difficult to get motivated. In particular, there was an old Grizzly named Karl that basically made all the smaller members get him food and do things he was supposed to do. 

When Sinja was in charge, she never messed with the old bear, and as long as things got done, she didn’t care who did it. Kayla wasn’t like that. She wanted everyone, even old Karl, to participate. For now, she’d let it slide until they got to their new home, then, things would really change for the old bear.

Other than big old Karl, Fenris gave her a pretty decent and optimistic report on the Clan. As long as Sinja gave a good report on what she found as a new home for the Clan, Kayla had a good feeling that everything was going to go well for everyone.

Unfortunately, Fenris didn’t want to spend a lot of time on that, he had other more ‘pressing’ matters he was concerned with. It had only been a short fifteen minutes since the big wolf had fucked Kayla last and already his aroused cock was pressing against her gorgeous bare ass.

"Again, Fen?" Kayla said laughingly. "You’re insatiable!"

Fenris gave her a mock thrust against her butt. "You say that like you don’t like it." He teased.

"OH, I like it just fine, but…. Damn… You’ve fucked me eight times already tonight." She said astonishingly.

"Is that all?" He mocked a thoughtful expression. "I guess I need to fuck you a lot more then, don’t I."

"Dear goodness, Fen…. Don’t you get enough?" She gasped as his throbbing cock began pressing into her tight pussy, still dripping with all the wolf’s cum he’d been injecting her with.

"I’ve never felt so…. Alive before, Kayla…. You feel so good, I just have to have more." He said in all seriousness. "If you want to stop, I will."

There was no question in Kayla’s response that she absolutely did not want him to stop. She bucked her hips into his cock and swooned as his thick cock found it’s home deep inside her tight cunt. She rocked back and forth a few times enticing Fenris to fuck her again.

He gripped her sexy hips with his front legs and drove into Kayla with a demanding thrust. "How much can you handle? I don’t want to hurt you." He asked with curious intent.

"If I can’t take it anymore, I’ll let you know. Besides, I really don’t know how much I can take, but I definitely want to find out what my limit with you is." She smiled over her shoulder to him.

"So, then just keep fucking you until you say stop?" He asked, giving her a good nudge.

"Looks like you’re going to be fucking me a lot tonight." She answered demurely. And he did. The wet slapping sounds continued for many hours as Fenris kept ramming Kayla and pumping his cum into her each time he knotted her. 

Finally, worn out and exhausted, Kayla flopped her naked body on top of Fenris after he had knotted her for the twelfth time and filled her womb with his sperm. "I’ve never fucked so much at one time before." She gasped. "Damn, Fenris… that was awesome."

But at some point, Fenris had already gone to sleep and all the Kayla got was his gentle forepaws wrapped around her, his knotted cock wedge tightly inside her still and a sleepy grunt from the big wolf. It would be a while before his cock receded and would finally slip out of her tight pussy, but by then, she would be fast asleep.

They slept longer than Kayla had planned, so by the time that she was able to wash up and go out and talk with Sinja, the rest of the Clan had gone to stand in the long lines with their ration coupons. Sinja was moping around the outer part of the den, where they usually gathered.

When she saw Kayla walking over, she sat on her haunches and waited for the ‘new’ Alpha to address her. Sinja wasn’t a patient wolf, but when dealing with ones Alpha, patience was required.

"Hello, Sinja. Have you eaten today? Where are Mike and Ike?" Kayla asked with genuine concern.

"Not yet, my Alpha. I have found a place for the Clan, and left those two to protect the place." She answered formally.

Kayla felt suddenly excited. "Oh goodness! That is terrific news, Sinja! Where is it? Is it hard to get to?"

Sinja lolled her head around, stretching her back out. She was used to sleeping on a mattress, not the ground. "It is far, at least two days for someone like me, but with the entire clan, probably take four days to reach." She said. "It is a very nice place, My Alpha. Several caves, overlooking a waterfall and an easy place to defend if need be."

Kayla thought about all the potential in Sinja’s words. "We should gather the clan and make preparations to leave." She stated with enthusiasm.

"Not so fast Kayla." Sinja scowled. "I desire to make a request."

Kayla looked thoughtfully when she nodded for Sinja to continue.

"You and Fenris…." Sinja paused. "Forgive my forwardness…. But Fenris…. And I…. well, I haven’t been a good leader…."

Kayla’s back went rigid defensively, thinking that the female wolf was going to already make her bid to regain leadership of the Clan. "I assume you know he has been mating me?"

"Obviously." Sinja said with a snicker. "That much is apparent. But the question I have, is can you bear him children? Will they be human or wolf?"

Kayla hadn’t thought about that. "I don’t know, but I am definitely willing to find out?"

Sinja snickered softly. "Well, let me know how that turns out for you."

Chapter Six

The next day, Sinja took a group of Clan Members out of the city and far to the north. There they met up with Mike and Ike who had done as Sinja commanded and remained at the new home of the Clan.

Kayla arrived with the rest of the Clan six days later and began setting up her new den with Fenris. The very first night was a celebration. They were free from the socially engineered constraints of the city’s government and could bask in the open without worry about another clan trying to steal their food and supplies.

Fenris couldn’t leave Kayla alone, but she had to refuse the big wolf’s amorous intentions. There was a lot left to do and Kayla wanted to focus on teaching the Clan how to survive in the wilderness.

Food was plentiful in the area, she just had to show everyone how to obtain it and keep their lands safe from intruders. She gave Sinja the responsibility for security and put Mike and Ike directly under her. She also made Sinja teach Fenris how to fight better, so that the two wolves could do more hunting. 

Simon and Vera had the largest family in the Clan, so Kayla gave them the largest cave. The three oldest from their family had to join Sinja’s group of hunters.

Once groups and jobs were established, Kayla worked hard in showing everyone how to gather, hunt, fish and build structures that they would live in. It took a long time before things began to work, but everyone enjoyed not being hungry all the time and the fact they didn’t have to fight for food or stand in long lines to receive ration coupons from the government made them rest easier.

Sinja and her teams made up a perimeter around the Clan’s new home, and patrolled it vigorously. Nothing was going to approach the Clan without anyone not knowing.

Hunting was a bit more challenging to teach the clan than Kayla had thought. Though the Raccoon Brothers were quiet and stealthy, and Stanley the Hedgehog too, they were too small to bring down bigger game, like deer or bears. Sinja and Fenris were big enough, but had grown up in a city, not in the wild. They didn’t have a clue how to sniff out prey and hunt it down. Since Kayla didn’t have their sense of smell, she had to keep pushing the wolves to sniff tracks and learn what those scents meant and what they belonged to.

Finally, after nearly a month, Kayla plopped down onto the ground in her and Fenris’s den, exhausted and beat.

"It was a lot harder than I had hoped for." She groaned as she laid her head back against Fenris. "But it will be better for us here than in that disgusting city."

Fenris gave her cheek a soft lick. "We have food and plenty of it now, Kayla. That has been the most important accomplishment by far. The rest, we’ll get used to. I haven’t heard anyone complaining, and I noticed that even Sinja’s enjoying herself for the first time since I met her."

Kayla winced from a sore joint and stretched her arms over her head, wrapping them around Fenris’s thick neck and pulling him over her shoulder. "See? Killing Sinja after she lost the challenge, would have been a bad idea."

She heard a soft rumble in Fenris’s chest as he chuckled. "You humans are smart."

Kayla leaned back and kissed his muzzle. "Some of us are. If we all had been smart, the world wouldn’t be in shambles like it is and we wouldn’t have to be doing all this now."

"We’re better off this way, Kayla. It’s a difficult adjustment, but everyone is doing their part. Even Old Karl is starting to lose some weight. It was a good idea to let Sinja get him moving again." He nudged her shirt up a little. "Now. I’ve been patient enough, it’s time for you to get naked."

Kayla knew what he meant, and if she’d judge correctly, she should be fertile right now. Quietly, she nodded and removed her clothes, then settled her naked body against Fenris. His already aroused cock pressed up against her and she absently stroked it. "Fen….. I want to make you happy."

"You definitely do that, Kayla." He said and pressed his cock between her ass cheeks, poking it against her pussy from behind. 

"Not just sex, silly." She giggled. "I mean really happy. Love happy. Trust Happy."

"Love?" He asked curiously. "I know I want to mate you and I know you humans have emotions that I don’t understand. But I really don’t know what love is."

"Do you look for me when I am not around? Does your heart ever beat faster when you see me?"

Fenris thought for a moment. "Yes, I feel cold, in my chest. A large rock that weighs me down."

"That’s Love, Fenris. Well, a part of it, anyways." She said smiling and pushed herself back against his probing cock.

"I love you Fenris." She said and then cooed softly as he shoved every inch of his glorious cock into her tight pussy. "Mate me and don’t stop until tomorrow."

Fenris fucked Kayla all the time now. For an entire week, he kept her naked and completely filled with his seed. Every moment, beyond bathing, eating and sleeping, the two of them mated like it was the end of the world.

Everytime Fenris shoved his thick knot into Kayla, she would cry out and pray she’d become pregnant as he filled her womb up with his thick hot sperm.

Everyone in the Clan knew that Fenris was breeding Kayla, and hoped with all their hearts that she would have his pups.

The Clan now had a home to call their own. Their Alpha soon would become more than just their leader, she would become a mother. Peace, security and a home for all of them where they could build families and raise children. It was more than Kayla had promised them, and from the seeds of that gentle realization, a whole new world would grow.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: 




